Sunday, January 14, 2007

I've Survived...

I FINISHED! Well not exactly but my first week has officially ended. Already neck deep in work if I haven't mentioned it. FUN work at that but still in the learning process. The MAS theory is not very apparent as they just throw you in to work and the lectures come later. I'm guessing it will work since it worked for me when my friend decided to throw me down the BIG mountain my first day of snowboarding instead of the bunny slopes. I dreaded it then but none the less very grateful. I did manage to be late to the mandatory soccer games because our "professor" saw us last. I almost cried because I thought I would surely be demoted in my planner status but I was reassured very quickly its only purpose was to force the students to relax!

Oh yes I have a new unexpected best friend. Her name is Cracky, short for Crackhead as that is what she is. I bumped into her on my first day of in my new apt. I've seen her ever since. She yelled at me that she was "so f**king old," and then appeared with a toothbrush the next day, What a women with no home and no ownership of a sink or any proximity of water will do with a toothbrush and toothpaste is as good of guess as mine.

Anywho, enjoy a beautiful view of Miami Beach!

And another of my new friends and 'professors" AND MY TAN.

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